Ireland -
Waterford - Sheestown 1.1, 50%
Waterford - Sheestown 1.1, 50%
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Waterford - Sheestown 1.1
Type : Single malt whisky
Vintage : 2016
Bottled : 2020
Age : 3YO 10 Months
Strength : 50.0% vol.
Content : 700ml
繼早前Bannow Island & Ballykilcavan 呢兩塊相對多人見過既田外, 今次Sheestown 算新小小既一塊田
P.S. 每支酒盒後方有個Terrior Code, 你入去佢個網到打返個Code, 就有好詳細既資料, 例如用左幾多個cask (有齊每個cask既cask type, 裝幾多litres, 邊日開始裝) , 用咩yeast, fermentation用幾耐, 佢塊田下面有咩type既泥, 幾深, 每日sunlight 幾多粒鐘等等你應該未必有興趣, 覺得痴線既資料😆
官方TN 參考
Earthy, clove, fruit cake, lightly spiced poached pears in red wine, honeycomb ice cream, midsummer hay.
Gentle spice mix with lasting cloves that dries, citrus peel marmalade, porridge, fresh honey.
Long clove with spice that leaves a warm tingle on the front of my tongue.