Scotland - Islands
TBWC Ledaig - 19YO Batch 4, 46%
TBWC Ledaig - 19YO Batch 4, 46%
Type : Single malt whisky
Age : 19YO
Strength : 46.0% vol.
Content : 500ml
Whiskybase: 88.4 (11 votes as at 2021.1.19)
如果講Non-Islay既Peaty Whisky, Ledaig同Ardmore 算係我好欣賞既酒 =D 尤其係性價比方面 (當然某程度上只係因為Islay既酒價錢升得太快)
今次呢支係英國IB漫畫標, Ledaig 19YO, 一樣有佢signature既機油式peat味
Master of malt品評甚至用all roadworks 去形容
至於個標, 官方作出左解釋, 果個疑似Thor既憤怒男子係想打破大家覺得只有Islay有peated whisky呢樣野, 有興可以係呢度睇下
P.S. TBWC都係500ml黎
P.S. Ledaig 係Tobermory Distillery出既一個peated系列
Master of Malt品評供參考
Classic Ledaig – all roadworks, smoky bacon, peppercorn sauce, chamois leather and metallic peat, but also some aromatic lemon zest and a floral airiness, too.
Chilli spice, black peppercorns, an earthier peatiness this time. Roast pork sausages with a smoky apple sauce, a malty element, and some rich 90% cocoa dark chocolate for good measure.
All about the leathery peat smoke and a sweet chilli kick.
Signature Ledaig with all the delights it brings.