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Ireland -

Redbreast 21YO, 46% (分現金/信用卡價)

Redbreast 21YO, 46% (分現金/信用卡價)

定價 HK$1,680
定價 售價 HK$1,680
特價 售罄


Redbreast 21YO, 46%

Type : Single malt whisky
Cask type: Bourbon & Sherry Cask
Age : 21YO
Strength : 46.0% vol.
Content : 700ml

Whiskybase: 89.37 pts (30 votes as at 2022.10.12)

Cash/ Payme/ FPS價: $1,630
(下單時, 選Payme/FPS為付款方式, 付款時直接付此價即可)

Credit Card價: $1,680
(下單時, 跟網站價錢直接用信用卡付款即可)

來自愛爾蘭既威士忌, 外界對Redbreast 既評價一直都相當唔錯。

呢款21年既Redbreast 係2018 Whisky Bible以97分囉到當年The world’s second-best whiskey, 而當時既評價係“one of the most wonderful noses on this planet”。

Official Tasting note for reference:

Remarkable aroma spanning fresh tropical fruits, nuts and rich dried fruit.

Soft vanilla, toasted oak, sherry nuttiness with a dusting of pot still spices. Luscious fleshy fruit notes complete the creamy mouth feel.

Lingers, seemingly forever, to oak and pot still spices and then the final bow from the barley – where it all began.
