Scotland - Campbeltown
Longrow - 18YO, 2022, 46%
Longrow - 18YO, 2022, 46%
Longrow - 18YO, Sherry, 46% (2022)
Type : Single malt whisky
Bottled : 2022
Strength : 46% vol.
Cask type: 100% Sherry
Content : 700ml
Whiskybase: 88.94 pts (221 votes as of 2023.10.24 for reference)
Cash/ Payme/ FPS價:$2,280 (normal) / $2,150 (瑕疵標)
(下單時, 選Payme/FPS為付款方式, 並直接付此價即可)
Credit Card價: $2,360 (normal) / $2,230 (瑕疵標)
(下單時, 跟網站價錢直接用信用卡付款即可)
Official tasting note for reference:
Notes of sweet barbecued pork and leather bound books kick off this dram. There is an earthy note hinting toward the peat influence, along with notes of nectarine and menthol.
The sweetness continues on the palate in notes of honey, butterscotch and parma violets. Hints of orange peel complement the subtle peat influence.
The earthy element carries through to the finish, along with notes of tobacco leaf.