Scotland -
C. Dully Blended Whisky - 38YO, 48.6%
C. Dully Blended Whisky - 38YO, 48.6%
C. Dully
Type : Blended Scotch whisky
Vintage: 1980
Bottled : 2020
Cask Type : Sherry Hogsheads
Cask Number: #23
Age : 38YO
Strength : 48.6% vol.
Content : 700ml
WB: 90.34 (35 votes as at 2021.1.17)
C. Dully Selection係一個幾新既IB, 2019先成立,位於瑞士。
創辦人全名叫Christian Dully, 而佢Bottle嘅唔只Whisky, 亦有Cognac, Bourbon等。
官網有寫, 呢支由Edrington Group入面既酒調和而成,
而1980年既Edrington Group就主要係有Macallan, Highland Park, Tamdhu, & Glenrothres (Tamdhu 後期賣咗)。
個background同setting 會令人唸起某幾支38YO既Blended whisky ,
例如 Thompson Bros 果支38YO,
一支Classic old school sherry cask。
留意, Blended Whisky 並非Blended Malt Whisky
即有Blend到 Grain Whisky
Official tasting note for reference:
"On the nose, one can immediately tell that is comes from an old-style sherry cask, of the kind one hardly ever finds anymore. One can spend an evening just smelling the glass.
The palate shows a beautifully dignified balance of sweetness, old leather, minimal smoke, and all sorts of dried fruit. It's age adds a touch of spice, without any bitterness or drying effects.
Truly an old school whiskey."