Scotland - Highland
C. Dully Invergordon - 45YO, 44.1%
C. Dully Invergordon - 45YO, 44.1%
Type: Single Grain Whisky
Bottled: 2021
Vintage: 1972
Cask type: Barrel
Number of bottles: 140
Strength: 44.1%
Stated age: 45YO
Content: 700ml
Whiskybase: 88.50 pts (25 votes on 2023.9.4 for your reference)
Cash/ Payme/ FPS價:$3,380
(下單時, 選Payme/FPS為付款方式, 付款時直接付此價即可)
Credit Card價: $3,500
(下單時, 跟網站價錢直接用信用卡付款即可)
Official Tasting note for reference:
On the palate this Invergordon starts off like a graceful, well-aged bourbon. Vanillin and elegant wood notes dominate, without being over-oaked or bitter in any way.
The magic happens on the finish, however. As soon as you swallow, the wood notes give way to beautiful (tropical) fruit notes that we have never experienced from a grain whisky this way. The most noticeable of these being mango and cassis.