Scotland - Islay
G&M Ardbeg - ~21YO, 1978/1999, Colour Map Label, 40%
G&M Ardbeg - ~21YO, 1978/1999, Colour Map Label, 40%
Gordon & MacPhail Ardbeg
Type : Single Malt Whisky
Vintage : 1978
Bottled : 1999
Age : ~21YO
Strength : 40%
Content : 700ml
Connoisseurs Choice Colour Map Label
With Original box
WB average price: Eur 1,374 (as at 2024.4.30 for reference)
Cash/ Payme/ FPS價:$6,880
(下單時, 選Payme/FPS為付款方式, 付款時直接付此價即可)
Credit Card價:$7,120
(下單時, 跟網站價錢直接用信用卡付款即可)
Online tasting note for reference:
The smoke and a medicinal note dominate, vanilla and a light sea breeze as well as fruity notes of citrus and candied orange.
Smoky and subtly salty on the tongue. Only then a subtle sweetness and again lots of smoke and lots of oak tannins.
Long-lasting with a hint of vanilla and renewed smoke.