Australia -
Mollydooker - Enchanted Path 2018 Shiraz Cabernet (Vivino 4.6)
Mollydooker - Enchanted Path 2018 Shiraz Cabernet (Vivino 4.6)
Mollydooker - Enchanted Path 2018 Shiraz Cabernet
Country : Australia
Region : McLaren Vale
Vintage : 2018
Grape : 71% Shiraz, 29% Cabernet Sauvignon
Oak type : 95% American & 5% French oak, using 85% new and 15% one
Strength : 15.5% vol.
Bottle size : 750ml
Vivino: 4.6 pts (50 ratings),
Wine-searcher average reference price $625 as at 2021.2.27
Wine Spectator Vintage Charts – McLaren Vale 2018 : 93 pts
Mollydooker亦叫左撇子, 係近年非常創新的一間酒莊, 規模不算大, 但獲獎 & 高分無數。
莊主Sarah & Sparky分別曾為名莊Henry's Drive, Shirvington等釀酒, 更獲得"澳洲年度釀酒師"。
Mollydooker 除了酒標特別, 以及旗下作品經常得到高分外, 最特別莫過於佢地獨有的"Mollydooker Shake"
一般酒莊會係封瓶前注入Sulphur保護酒質, 但Mollydooker就用Nitrogen, 一方面保存果香,同埋減低部份品飲者對Surphur過敏或頭痛的情形。
做法好簡單,開瓶後倒一小杯入第一個酒杯中。封蓋Shake Shake Shake, 開蓋放一放氣, 再封蓋, 再Shake Shake Shake, 完。然後倒入第二個酒杯內, 感受兩杯酒的分別。第二杯酒因搖晃後,釋放的氮氣可恢復酒的果香及活力,令強勁的Tannin 軟化。
或許你在想2018的酒會否太新, 但此酒已經能夠係Vivino囉到極高的分數。New World 著重果味的酒, 尤其Mollydooker講求果味中的複雜度, 年輕也有令人著迷的吸引力。
Official tasting note for reference
A remarkable culmination of premium Shiraz and Cabernet fruit, the 2018 Enchanted Path has an intriguing nose of pomegranate, cherry and anise.
The first sip brings a chorus of flavours that include blackberry and plum with vanilla and dark chocolate notes.
Fine yet broad, the tannins create a smooth and rich mouthfeel that carry the complex layers of flavour into a deep and satisfying finish.
Developing in the glass, the 2018 Enchanted Path truly lives up to its name.