Australia -
Kay Brothers - Block 6 Amery Vineyards Shiraz 2005 (RP97, Vivino 4.3)
Kay Brothers - Block 6 Amery Vineyards Shiraz 2005 (RP97, Vivino 4.3)
Kay Brothers
Kay Brothers - Block 6 Amery Vineyards Shiraz 2005
Country : Australia
Region : McLaren Vale
Vinatge : 2005
Grape : 100% shiraz
Strength : 16.0% vol.
Bottle size : 750ml
Vivino: 4.3 pts (136 ratings),
Robert Parker: 97 pts
Wine-searcher average reference price in HK: $579 as at 2021.4.2
Kay Brothers 的旗艦酒
你無睇錯, new world就係有唔少酒莊 就算旗艦酒都可以唔貴, 而且有好唔錯既質素同評分
Kay Brothers (Fred & Herbert) 1892年開始係Amery呢塊田種葡萄, 用到而家只有1.6 hectares仲種緊, 算係一個非常細既酒莊。
酒莊想盡量保留當年原始風味, 到而家都用緊好早期既發酵工具, 同埋傳統既釀造方法, 例如仲係用basket press既方法去壓提子囉汁。
雖然old vines 並無一個法例規定或定義點先可以叫做old
但相信呢支酒用左113年既vines, 無咩人會去挑剔佢唔係old vines
而old vines 生產力相對細好多, 有研究就指出咁樣會令酒既果味更加集中,
同時因為old vines既根相對其他new vines更深入地底, 令佢更易吸營養同埋水份,
如對old vines 有興趣 可以望望呢度有更多資料
Comments from Robert Parker 參考 (RP97)
"Outer quote mark Deep garnet in color, the 2005 Block 6 Shiraz exudes beguiling notes of warm black cherries, raspberry preserves and Chinese dried plums with hints of fruit cake, salami, mocha and licorice.
Very big, full-bodied and rich, the palate is very spicy, densely laden with dried fruits and savory flavors and structured by medium-firm grainy tannins through the long finish.
Mature now, it should cellar to 2024+."