Scotland - Islay
SV Unnamed Islay - 28YO, 1992/2021, 52.7%
SV Unnamed Islay - 28YO, 1992/2021, 52.7%
Unnamed Islay
Type : Single malt whisky
Vintage : 1992
Bottled : 2021
Cask Type : Bourbon Barrels
Cask number : Vatting cask 6779
Age : 28YO
Strength : 52.7% vol.
Content : 700ml
Number of bottles: 262
Whiskybase: 90.63 (11 votes as at 2021.12.18 for your reference)
Cash/ Payme/ FPS價:$3,580 (下單時, 選Payme/FPS為付款方式, 付款時直接付此價即可)
Credit Card價: $3,700 (下單時, 跟網站價錢直接用信用卡付款即可)
Online tasting note for reference:
Fresh like sweet seaweed and fruity notes of lemon zest. Smoke and some menthol and pine needles float above it. In addition, phenol and mineral notes.
Soft and oily on the tongue. At first surprisingly sweet with a little liquorice that fades into smoke and fresh citrus notes. In addition, salt and a mineral impression.
Long-lasting and smoky sweet.